ABELLÓ, T. et al. (2018)

ABELLÓ, T., TER MEULEN, T. & PRINS, E. F. (2018)

EAZA Mangabey Best Practice Guidelines - Cercocebus spp., Lophocebus spp. and Rungwecebus spp.

112 Seiten. Abbildungen. Parc Zoològic de Barcelona n & GaiaZOO, Kerkrade.

Executive Summary:

The current document details knowledge regarding the biology, management and keeping of the polyphyletic group of mangabeys (Cercocebus spp., Lophocebus spp. and Rungwecebus spp.) from the field and within zoos. As will become clear, per species there is information lacking regarding many aspects of their biology and ecology. Hence, the document is set up in such a way that, where appropriate, information can be interpreted from other mangabey species.

Section 1: Biology and Field data

This section covers an extensive overview of current knowledge regarding the taxonomic classification, morphology, natural distribution, conservation status, nutrition, behaviour and more of all the relevant species and subspecies.

Section 2: Management in Zoos and Aquariums

This  section  details  Best  Practice  of management and keeping of mangabey species in zoos. Including topics on enclosure design, specifically focussed on appropriate barriers and enclosure  complexity. Furthermore it includes  nformation on optimal feeding practices, use of enrichment, social management and veterinary practices. Throughout are examples of current practice presented. Here it should be emphasized that these guidelines should be seen as a living document as knowledge will only increase through xperience and research.
