BEMMENT, N. (ed. 2018)

Orang Utan EEP - Best practice Guidelines.

148 Seiten, Abbildungen, Tabellen.
Barcelona Zoo für die Great Ape Taxon Advisory Group (GATAG)

Aus der Einleitung:

In spring 2016, (unofficial) EAZA Quick Population Assessments (QPA) were provided by the EAZA specialists for demography and genetics for both populations. According to both analysis, the average annual birth rates in the last years were 7 births per year in in the Borneans and 5 births per year in the Sumatrans, while an average of 9 births per year for the Borneans and 8 births per year for the Sumatrans are expected to be necessary to maintain population size. Based on these informations, one would expect population sizes to slightly decrease in the coming years. This clearly indicates to be very careful in using methods for contraception. Simultaneously, the problems to place (temporarily) surplus male individuals in a timely manner are evident.

In April 2018, a workshop will be held in Karlsruhe Zoo to develop an EAZA Long-term Management Plan (LTMP) for the orang utan species. At the same time, the EEP coordinator and his team will have published the 35th edition (2017) of the orang utan studbook.

We are now working since a considerable couple of years to develop and to define “Best Practice Guidelines” (BPG) for the orang utans in the EEP. Now, we are able to present this first edition that is devided into three main sections (biology & field data, management in zoos and references & appendices). Of particular importance are chapters for Enclosure Design, Feeding, Social Structure, Breeding, Behavioural Enrichment, Handling & Identification, Veterinary Aspects and Research. I would like to express my deep appreciation to all contributors for their enormous time effort and work they have put into compiling these guidelines. Hopefully, this will enhance the managing and care of orang utans in participating zoos in the future.
