BIROT, H. et al. (2022)


EAZA Best Practice Guidelines YELLOW-FOOTED ROCK WALLABY (Petrogale xanthopus).>

Hrsg: Zoo Mülhausen im Elsass. 93 Seiten.


Endemic from  Australia, the yellow-footed rock wallaby(YFRW) is listed as Near Threatened (IUCN, 2016) because its habitat is fragmented and declining (probably not much greater than 20,000 km²) and its population is likely to be less than 10,000 mature individuals. Due to its IUCN status, YFRWs are  under  intensive  level  of  management under an Ex-situ Programme (EEP) in European zoos. The purpose of this programme is to secure a genetically healthy and sustainable captive population which may serve as a backup population for the wild. This  species is  closely followed-up by the Australian government and deep cooperative conservation efforts are implemented between the EEP and the Australian government. It is an Ambassador Agreement (AA) species and the Department of the Environment and Water Resources (DEW) of Australia ensures that all holding institutions meet the husbandry and management requirements for the species, following their own Australian Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines. These Best Practice Guidelines combine all our current knowledge about general biology and husbandry requirements to provide a high level of well-being for YFRWs in captivity. It is addressed to YFRWs holders to get the most up to date knowledge on housing this emblematic species in the appropriate and best possible way, and for future holders which should be prepared to offer to the animals optimal housing and care. Regularly consulting the Guidelines and sharing them with all staff members (especially keepers!) is recommended. Holders are advised to contact TAG members with any concerns or queries about YFRWs husbandry.

Section 1. Biology and Field Data reflects our current knowledge of this species in the natural environment using the most recent taxonomic information. The philosophy behind this is that ex-situ conservation can be used more  effectively as a conservation tool if it is part of an integrated approach to species conservation (IUCN, 2014). The potential need for a conservation role of an EAZA ex-situ population has therefore been decided in consultation with in-situ specialists. This section provides wide and actual information.

Section 2. Management in Zoos covers housing and exhibition, nutrition, food presentation, welfare and enrichment, social structure, behaviour, and veterinary care. This part was written relying on one survey realized in March-April 2021 among all the 10 European institutions housing YFRWs. Control of breeding is an essential component of  successful managed programmes and comprehensive information to assist zoo veterinarians to decide on the most appropriate contraception method for their animals is provided. Managed programmes rely on control of breeding and  movement of animals between zoos. This document provides advice on birth control, handling, and transportation. A  comprehensive veterinary section  provides information on current knowledge on all aspects ofmedical care. It is essential that YFRWs are provided with complex environments and there is detailed practical information on environmental enrichment and medical training.

Section 3: References & Appendices includes, amongst other documents, a summary of references to each section and examples of appropriate YFRWs diet provided in different EEP institutions.
