CHAPMAN, J. A. & FLUX, J. E. C. (1990)


Rabbits, Hares and Pikas : Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan.

168 Seiten, zahlreiche s/w-Fotos und Landkarten.
IUCN, Gland.ISBN 2-8317-0019-1.

Aus dem Vorwort:

The   Lagomorph   Specialist   Group   reviewed   for   the   first time  the  status  of  the  worlds’  lagomorphs,  critically  examined those  species  which  appeared  to  require  attention,  and  listed important  decisions  for  future  conservation  action  concerning the volcano rabbit Romerolagus  diazi (Mexico), riverine rabbit Bunolagus monticularis (South  Africa),  hispid  hare  Caprolagus hispidus (India and Nepal), Sumatran rabbit Nesolagus netscheri   (Indonesia)  and  Amami  rabbit Pentalagus furnessi (Japan).

Emphasis  was  placed  on  the  need  for  a  comprehensive    review  of  hares  and  for  the  development  of  programs  for monitoring   lagomorphs   and   their   habitat   wherever   required. The  need  to  bring  these  matters  to  the  attention  of  Governments  was  given  high  priority.  Project  proposals  resulting  from these  deliberations  were  submitted  to  the  Commission  for inclusion  in  the  IUCN  Conservation  Programme  for  Sustainable   Development.

The Lagomorph Group, building on its good start, soon assumed responsibility for providing the information necessary for preparing and updating lagomorph entries in the Red Data Book and for submissions to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). It holds a strong position against the introduction of the eastern cottontail to Europe, and has willingly participated in discussions on the subject when requested.

The Group also continues to take the lead in keeping lagomorphs on conference agenda at international meetings, and has widened its in recent years to look at the status of some of the lesser known races or subspecies of the more common lagomorphs. Lagomorphs are relatively small mammals and do not excite the curiosity and appeal of some of their larger kind.

There has thus never been much financial support for conservation. But they are of critical importance in world ecosystems and I applaud the action taken by the Species Survival Commission in setting up this Group when it did. I am particularly pleased that IUCN has agreed to fund this publication of the Lagomorph Specialist Group Action Plan. The achievement of main objectives depends to a large extent on the continued activities of small teams of dedicated people like those who constitute this Group; the publication will give them an opportunity to say what they are trying to do.

