CIRKULAN, S. (2016)

Načrtovanje oskrbe in Živiljenjskega prostora obročkstorepth makijev ali kat (Lemur catta) v Bioparku Lipovec.

Planning of supply and habitat for Ring-tailed Lemur (Lemur catta) in Biopark Lipovec.


Universität Ljubljana, Pädagogische Fakultät und Biotechnische Fakultät
Mentor: doc. dr. Miha Krofel

Zoo Augsburg. Direktorin: Dr. Barbara Jantschke
und andere Zoos

V + 74 Seiten, 12 Tabellen, 36 Abbildungen (Fotos, Grafiken, Pläne)



Ring-tailed Lemur or Katta (Lemur catta) is a species of lemur, which naturally inhabits the gallery forests and spiny scrub of the African island Madagascar. With other lemur species it is one of the endemic species. And it is an extremely flexible and opportunistic species. According to the IUCN Red List from 2014 Ring-tailed Lemur is an endangered species, and is often bred in parks and zoos as part of breeding programs around the world in order to maintain diverse genetic bank and a healthy population of animals in the artificial environment which would be, in the case of extinction in the wild reintroduced into the natural environment. This charismatic lemur will be settled in the Biopark Lipovec, a project that is currently in progress and in Slovenia represents an innovative approach in education, green tourism and especially nature conservation. In the Graduation thesis we used the scientific literature, analysed the life of Ring-tailed Lemurs in nature and compared it with life of animals in an artificial environment in five different European zoos and in the end created a plan of supply, care and living space for the animals to be settled in the Biopark Lipovec. European zoos have very specialized diet plans, based on natural diet. We previewed the best practices and made a diet plan for our lemurs. Ring-tailed lemurs are very flexible and opportunistic, also in nature, that is why in an artificial environment preventive and curative veterinary care is used rarely. Research showed that the quality of exhibit is more important than its size. We also summed up good practices of habitat design and tehniques by other zoos and made a plan of new habitat in Biopark Lipovec and added some innovation and unique solutions for animal display and care. Breeding of Ring-tailed Lemur in an artificial environment is undemanding in comparison with other species. Since the natural environment of Ring-tailed Lemur is still declining due to human impact, the population of wild animals is decreasing, that is why the breeding of animals in zoos and parks, education about endangered species and their habitat, of the most important for the species survival.

