DI BITETTI, M. et al. (2011)


The Yungas Biosphere Reserve of Argentina: a hot spot of South American wild cats.

CATnews 54: 25-29.


We conducted three camera-trap surveys in a productive conservation landscape within the Yungas Biosphere Reserve of NW Argentina. The surveyed area contains portions of Premontane Forest and sugar cane and citrus plantations and is intersected by riparian forest corridors. We recorded six of the seven wild cat species present  in the area. These species make different use of the different environments present in the landscape: Geoffroy’s cat Oncifelis geoffroyi was the only species recorded in the plantations, pumas Puma concolor and margays Leopardus wiedi were restricted to the forests, jaguarundis Herpailurus yaguarondi were only recorded in the corridors, while ocelots Leopardus pardalis and oncillas Leopardus tigrinus were recorded in both corridors and forests. Jaguars Panthera onca were not photographed during the surveys but are present in the study site. The Yungas Biosphere Reserve contains not only these seven species, but two other felids that inhabit the highlands of the reserve: the Pampas cat Oncifelis colocolo and the Andean cat Oreailurus jacobitus. We draw the attention to the Yungas, a small region of the Planet, shared by Argentina and Bolivia, which harbors ¼ of the World’s cat species

The Yungas Biosphere Reserve of Argentina: a hot spot of South American wild cats (PDF Download Available).
Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/296846867_The_Yungas_Biosphere_Reserve_of_Argentina_a_hot_spot_of_South_American_wild_cats