Bemerkungen zur Haltung von Asiatischen Kurzkrallenottern (Amblonyx cinereus) in Zoologischen Gärten Europas.
Zool. Garten N.F. 78 (2009), Heft 2-3: 75-80.
We report on keeping conditions of the Asian small-clawed otter Amblonyx cinereus in European Zoos. In 2007 434 individuals were kept in 86 Zoos. 50% of these zoos keep their otters in groups from seven up to 21 individuals, similarly as suggested for the wild. The area available for each individual in 51 enclosures ranges from 5.2 m2 to 464 m2 in enclosures, where otters are held together with larger animals (apes, lions etc.).