FERGUSSON, R. A. (2010)

Nile Crocodile - Crocodylus niloticus.

In: Crocodiles.Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan: 84-89.
Third Edition, ed. by S.C. Manolis and C. Stevenson. Crocodile Specialist Group: Darwin.

Aus dem Inhalt:

More than 750 surveys using a variety of methods have been carried out for C. niloticus since the 1950s. Despite covering 315 different locations only  8  of  these  have  been  surveyed  enough  to  allow estimation of population trends. All of these are located in southern and East Africa where there have been significant recent improvements in monitoring. In central and West Africa the availability of survey data is very poor. Overall, survey data are insufficient or non-existent in 25 of 42 Range States. The need for wild population recovery and/or conservation is moderate throughout much of east and southern Africa with recent  detailed  studies suggesting an urgent need for conservation action in specific areas, but is high in central and West Africa. Many populations are believed  to  have  recovered by the 1990s but are now constrained or in decline due to anthropogenic factors.