FREYHOF, J. et al. (2005)


Taxonomic diversity of European Cottus with description of eight new species (Teleostei: Cottidae).

Ichthyol. Explor. Freshwaters 16 (2): 107-172, 34 Abb., 7 Tabellen. ISSN 0936-9902.


The taxonomy of European species of Cottus (Cottidae) is revised. Results of molecular studies are summarised and the variability of morphological characters is reviewed. Molecular and morphological data support the recognition of 15 diagnosable species in Europe. A neotype is designated for C. gobio; the type locality is in the lower Elbe drainage. Cottus gobio, C. hispaniolensis, C. koshewnikowi, C. microstomus, C. petiti, and C. poecilopus are re-diagnosed. Eight new species are described. Three of them are restricted to France: C. aturi to the Adour drainage, C. duranii to the upper Dordogne, upper Lot and upper Loire drainages, and C. rondeleti to the Hérault drainage. Two new species are described from the Atlantic and North Sea basins: C. perifretum from Great Britain, and the Scheldt, Rhine, Seine, lower Loire and lower Garonne drainages, and C. rhenanus from the Meuse and lower and middle Rhine drainages. Cottus scaturigo is described from a single spring in northeastern Italy. In the Danube drainage, C. metae from the upper Save and C. transsilvaniae from the upper Arges are distinguished from the widespread C. gobio. Lectotypes are designated for C. ferrugineus and C. pellegrini. Cottus koshewnikowi Gratzianow, 1907 is declared nomen protectum and C. gobio microcephalus Kessler, 1868 is declared nomen oblitum. The original spelling of C. milvensis is discussed.
