FROBEL, V. K. et al. (2014 / 2016)

FROBEL, V. K. & SCHLUMPRECHT, H. (2014 / 2016)

Erosion der Artenkenner Ergebnisse einer Befragung und notwendige Reaktionen.

(2014) Gutachten im Auftrag des BUND Naturschutz in Bayern e.V.: 96 S., Nürnberg.
(2016) Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung 48(4):105-113


A standardised survey of 70 species experts (i.e. persons with expert knowledge of species) revealed a loss of 21 % of such species experts over the last 20 years. According to the knowledge of the interviewees only 7.6 % of the current species experts are younger than 30 years. This means a serious aging of this group and a lack of junior staff. 90 % of the respondents assessed this deficit as very problematic for the future of nature conservation. The study revealed the motivation by the father as a decisive factor for the development of species knowledge, and it identified two relevant phases for the beginning of these skills, i.e. early beginners at the age of 13.5 years and late beginners, aged 22.5 years on an average. According to the interviewees the main reasons are changing leisure activities of young people, a lack of near-natural surroundings at parents' home, insufficient species knowledge of teachers and lacking offers oriented to nature conservation at the universities. The erosion of species experts should be recognized as a serious comprehensive problem for future nature conservation. The study describes some approaches to solution. All of them will require interdisciplinary collaboration and a targeted assignment of financial means for model projects.
