GLOVER, R. (1956)

Notes on the Sika Deer.

Journal of Mammalogy 37 (1): 99-105.


When two men undertake so large a task as compiling a checklist of palae-arctic and Indian mammals, they cannot fairly be expected to escape some oversights. Such seem to have occurred in J. R. Ellerman's and T. C. S. Morrison-Scott's treatment of the sika deer.

First, they list Sika dugenneanus (sic) as a synonym, with “no locality,” for the South China Sika, Cervus nippon kopschi Swinhoe, 1873. Alike in their spelling of “dugenneanus” in making it a synonym for kopschi, and in declaring it had no locality, they seem to follow the statement of Allen (1940), but on all three points Allen would appear to mislead them.

The name dugennianus was coined by the French missionary, Father P. M. Heude, who gathered a large collection of mammals at the Sikawei Museum in Shanghai, and created infinite confusion among Chinese fauna by proliferating synonyms with an almost...
