GIPPOLITI, S. (2016)

Third case of a Bongo x Sitatunga hybrid.

GNUSLETTER 33 (1):12


The only so far reported case of hybridization between Tragelaphus eurycerus and Tragelaphus spekii resulted in two fertile females at Antwerp Zoo. The two Bongo x Sitatunga hybrids born at Antwerp were both females. One of these ‘Bongsi’ produced an healthy foal when mated with a sitatunga male. The coexistence of several different species in a large enclosure at the Fasano Safari Park (Brindisi, southern Italy) resulted in the unexpected birth of a female Bongo x Sitatunga F1 in 2012.As in Antwerp, even the Fasano Bongsi  has horns. While in general appearance it resemble more the paternal species, its locomotion and shyness resemble those typical of sitatunga.I was not able to know the exact birth date of the bongsi. It is healthy at the date of writing and horns are longer (December 2015). As no sitatunga or bongo individuals are actually present in the Safari park, no breeding from this bongsi is expected.
