Das Großwild der Erde und seine Trophäen.

XII + 436 Seiten, 264 Strichzeichnungen, 12 Farbtafeln, 6 Karten.
Bayerischer Landwirtschaftsverlag.

Besprechung im J. Mammalogy (1957):

As the reader is informed in the authors' foreword, this book has been written at the suggestion of the Counseil International de la Chasse (CIC), Paris, in order to meet the needs of persons whose field of interest includes the evaluation of trophies of big game animals. It is meant, therefore, in the first place for trained hunters and game wardens. Closer acquaintance with this work, however, indicates its usefulness to a wider range of people. It has been pointed out by the authors that the purpose of the book is not to stimulate the reckless killing of animals in a search for record specimens. Together with a standardization of the scoring system for trophies, they emphasize the necessity of better protection of game animals by informing the reader that the existence of a particular species is endangered.

