HANCOCK, J. A. et al. (1992)

HANCOCK, J. A., KUSHLAN, J. A., KAHL, M. P. (1992)

Storks, ibises and spoonbills of the world.

VI+385 Seiten, 150 Tabellen, 49 Farbtafeln, 40 Farbfotos, 49 Karten.
Academic Press, London. ISBN 0-12-322730-5


This handsome monograph, with chapters on taxonomy, feeding, breeding behaviour and conservation, covers all species. In this definitive monograph, three authors and two artists have combined their experience and skills to present what is presently known about the biology and ecology of these birds and to picture them in beautiful and revealing paintings and photographs. The text opens with general chapters on taxonomy, feeding, breeding behaviour and conservation, following which each species is dealt with in detail and their known biology critically summarized. Among them, the authors have personal experience of most of these species, on all five continents. They give particular attention to documenting the status of threatened and rare species and evaluating their conservation needs. Finally, an exhaustive bibliography, assembled in cooperation with several collaborators, presents over 4000 references. It is to be hoped that, by drawing notice to both the known and unknown aspects of the biology of these species, and to the perilous situation facing them and their wetland habitats, measures may be encouraged that will conserve their populations and habitats for future generations.

