ISMAIL, A., RAHMAN, F. et al. (2011)

ISMAIL, A., RAHMAN, F., KIN, D. K. S., RAMLI, M. N. H. & NGAH, M. (2011)

Current Status of the Milky Stork Captive Breeding Program in Zoo Negara and its Importance to the Stork Population in Malaysia.

Tropical Natural History 11(1): 75-80.


The Malaysian government has the intention to increase the Milky Stork numbers and to this end several actions have been taken, such as a Milky Stork captive breeding and reintroduction program. With the support from both government and non-government agencies the first actual captive breeding and reintroduction program was done between 1998 and 2004 in Kuala Selangor Nature Park. The effort however had failed due to several problems and constraints. The program continues today in Kuala Gula, Perak. Before such initiative was taken, the captive breeding program in Zoo Negara was given less priority in solving the Milky Stork issue. After the first reintroduction in Kuala Selangor Zoo Negara focusses on the captive breeding for conservation purposes. This paper aims to analyse and report the Milky Stork breeding program in Zoo Negara and its success.
