JOHANN, A. (2009)

Die neue Gibbon-Anlage im NaturZoo Rheine.

Zoolog. Garten 78 (2009), Heft 5–6: 239-255.


A new enclosure for White-handed Gibbons was opened at NaturZoo Rheine, Germany, on 6. May 2007. The exhibit design follows the island enclosure type. The enclosure is remarkable by its size of 1.200 m2. The room above this surface is richly structured by poles, stems and ropes up to 8 m high. Additionally there is a lush vegetation of bamboo, bushes, vines and also some living trees. The islands are connected to a house with two indoor-rooms and an off-exhibit outdoor cage. The whole enclosure and the surrounding landscape fit in very well in the natural layout of the zoo-landscape.

Some observations on use of the enclosure by the gibbons as well as maintenance experiences are given. Also the responses of the visitors to the new exhibit are commented.

A summary on the maintenance of gibbons in zoos in general and in NaturZoo Rheine is added.


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