KITCHENER, A. C. et al. (2017).

KITCHENER, A. C. et al. (22 weitere Autoren) (2017)

A revised taxonomy of the Felidae.

The final report of the Cat Classification Task Force of the IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group.

Cat News Special Issue 11, 80 pp, mit Farbfotos und Verbreitungskarten. ISSN 1027-2992.


Executive summary:

  1. The current classification of the Felidae was reviewed by a panel of 22 experts divided into core, expert and review groups, which make up the Cat Classification Task Force CCTF of the IUCN Cat Specialist Group.
  2. The principal aim of the CCTF was to produce a consensus on a revised classification of the Felidae for use by the IUCN.
  3. Based on current published research, the CCTF has fully revised the classification of the Felidae at the level of genus, species and subspecies.
  4. A  novel  traffic-light  system  was  developed  to  indicate  certainty  of  each  taxon  based  on  morphological,  molecular,  biogeographical  and  other  evidence.  A  concordance  of  good  evidence  in  the  three  principal  categories was required to strongly support the acceptance of a taxon.
  5. Where disagreements exist among members of the CCTF, these have been highlighted in the accounts for each species. Only further research will be able to answer the potential conflicts in existing data.
  6. A total of 14 genera, 41 species and 77 subspecies is recognised by most members of the CCTF, which is a  considerable  change  from  the  classification  proposed  by  Wozencraft  (2005),  the  last  major  revision  of  the  Felidae.
  7. Future areas of taxonomic research have been highlighted in order to answer current areas of uncertainty.8.  This  classification  of  the  Felidae  will  be  reviewed  every  five  years  unless  a  major  new  piece  of  research  requires a more rapid revision for the conservation benefit of felid species at risk of extinction.
