KRONINGER, M. et al. (2001)

KRONINGER, M. & in den BOSCH, H. A. J. (2001)

Biological data on Holaspis guentheri laevis Werner, 1895 obtained from vivarium keeping.

Podarcis 2(3): 72-80.



Two types of vivaria are described for Holaspis guentheri laevis, one an approximation of the natural habitat and the other a more spartan design. In both the lizards do well, though we prefer the former design.

Courtship lasts 5-8 minutes and involves a flankbite and the male clasping the female with his hind legs. For oviposition the lizards must be provided with a humid substrate on which pieces of bark are deposited, preferably in a partly closed container, the substrate if possible being around 30°C. Oviposition of the clutch of two occurs at night. At oviposition eggs measure 6.8x12.0±0.8 mm and weigh 0.33 g. These eggs develop to 9.8x18.8 mm and 1.08 g. At 29°C incubation takes 55-57 days. Juveniles measure (HB+T) 22+33 mm and weigh 0.24 g, and resemble their parents, though less intensely coloured. In contrast to the adults' ventral colour the juveniles are ventrally pitch-black. At a head-body length of approx. 27 mm, the change into adult coloration begins, and is completed when the animal reaches 35 mm in length. Sexual maturity is reached after 1.5-2 years.

The proximal fusion of the third and fourth finger in Holaspis is hypothesised to dampen the impact after gliding flights.
