LANUV (2016)

Conservation and restoration of the Allis shad in the Gironde and Rhine watersheds.

LIFE Project Number LIFE09 NAT/DE/000008, Final Report covering the project activities from 01/01/2011 to 31/12/2015.
96 Seiten

Auszug: Action D.7 Aquarium exhibition in La Rochelle Aquarium, France and the Aquazoo-Löbbecke Museum, Germany

The allis shad exposition in the Aquarium La Rochelle was launched in 2011. A loss of the old adults exposed there in 2013 was compensated by taking three year old specimens from the ex situ stock in the Aquarium la Rochelle that were exposed in a big Aquarium together with other Clupeid fishes in an own thematic section dealing with migratory fish. A new information panel was installed on this occasion which gives reference to the Life+ project. Many hundred thousand visitors have seen the allis shad exposition in La Rochelle and are well informed about the conservation needs for allis shad and the Life+ projects objectives to ensure that. It is intended to continue the exposition in the After-LIFE-time and the natural death of exposed fish, respectively, unless juveniles can be obtained from the hatchery on Bruch. The Aquarium La Rochelle will together with other branches of the Life+ project also contribute to the World Fish Migration Day in 2016.

A second allis shad exhibition in the Aquazoo-Löbbecke Museum in Düsseldorf was officially inaugurated in May 2013. A press conference was held on that occasion and yielded regional TV-reports and articles in newspapers and online media. The Aquazoo offered one of its most exposed Aquariums with a volume of 10 m3 for the exhibition in which 33 one year old allis shad from the Aßlar ex situ facility together with three sturgeons were presented. As in the Aquarium La Rochelle panels informed about the increasing endangerment of the allis shad, its former relevance along the Rhine and the background and the aims of the Life+ project. Unfortunately the Aquazoo was closed in November 2013 for structural restoration and renovation works (which are still not finalized) and the Aquazoo was closed for the public. As all other exposed animals also the allis shad exposition must be reversed. The shads and the sturgeons were brought back to the Aßlar facility in late November. Before that 233,000 visitors have seen the exhibition. Some of them and interested people from all over Europe visited the Aquazoo only in order to see and to take photos of the allis shad.$
