MECKVICHAI, C. et al. (1987)

MECKVICHAI, C. et al. (1987)

Breeding of Sumatran serow at Dusit Zoo.

In: SOMA, H. (ed., 1987). The Biology and Management of Capricornis and Related Mountain Antelopes pp 147-153.


There are two subspecies of Sumatran serow in Thailand. Capricornis sumatraensis sumatraensis, with black legs, is found in the south, and C. s. milneedwardsi, with red legs, ranges from Tenasserim to the north and to the east. A reproductive group of seraus was kept at Dusit Zoo  before 1974 when all 9 animals died from a disease, and, thereafter a pair of C. s. milneedwardsi was kept and produced an offspring in 1979.
