MONTEITH, G. B. (1985)

Terrorist tactics in taxonomy.

Australian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter 44: 1–5. ISSN 1839-7522.

Since recent events in Australian herpetology threaten the stability of all biological nomenclature it is imperative that the whole biological community be aware of what is happening and work towards control of the situation. As mentioned later entomology may be next to be affected. Our system of classification and nomenclature of animals is a rather fragile and dynamic one, continually growing and evolving to accommodate new taxa and ideas. The protocol of priority of publication of taxonomic names gives much greater weight to the published word in taxonomy than in other disciplines (where outrageous work can be simply ignored or dismissed). It follows then that there must be some rational control on what gets into print if any semblance of stability is to be preserved...

