MORITZ, T. & BRITZ, R. (2019)

Revision of the extant Polypteridae (Actinopterygii: Cladistia).

Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters. July 2019: 1-96. DOI:10.23788/IEF-1094


The species-level taxonomy of all extant members of the family Polypteridae is revised. Two genera are recognised: Polypterus and the monotypic Erpetoichthys. Thirteen species of Polypterus are regarded as valid: P. bichir (type species), P. ansorgii, P. congicus, P. delhezi, P. endlicherii, P. mokelembembe, P. ornatipinnis, P. palmas, P. polli, P. retropinnis, P. senegalus, P. teugelsi and P. weeksii. Polypterus lapradei and P. bichir katangae are considered junior synonyms of P. bichir. Polypterus senegalus meridionalis is synonymized with P. senegalus, and P. buettikoferi and P. retropinnis lowei are regarded as junior synonyms of P. palmas. Lectotypes of P. ansorgii, P. congicus and P. delhezi are designated. Distribution maps for each species are compiled and a key for all species of Polypteridae is provided.
