OLDFIELD, S. et al. (compiler / eds., 1999)

OLDFIELD, S., PROCTER, D. & FLEMING, L.V. (compiler / eds., 1999)

Biodiversity: the UK Overseas Territories.

DEFRA/JNCC. ISBN 1 86107 502 2

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The Overseas Territories (OTs) of the United Kingdom have long been acknowledged as being rich in biodiversity (Anon. 1994; Oldfield 1987; Oldfield & Sheppard 1997; UKDTCF 1996). With the exception of the British Antarctic Territory and Gibraltar, they are all islands, small in size and isolated to varying degrees.  These attributes, combined with their geographic location, has often resulted in a high degree of endemism (Table 1).  Equally, the territories are often host to significant populations of breeding birds or marine turtles, and have rich terrestrial and marine ecosystems.  Yet, many of these species and habitats are threatened.  This report provides a profile of the biodiversity of the United Kingdom’s Overseas Territories as a contribution to the development of plans for their conservation and sustainable use.

