PAUW, A. & JOHNSON, S. (1999)

Table Mountain - A Natural History.

160 Seiten, mit Landkarten und zahlreichen Farbfotos.

Fernwood Press, Vlaeberg. ISBN 1-874950-43-1.


The majestic profile of Table Mountain, flanked by Devil's Peak and Lion's Head, is one of the world's most famous landmarks. For many centuries it has been a source of almost mystical Inspiration for visitors to Cape Town. Even those who live and work in Its shadow every day, cannot help but feel its power. For those privileged to set foot on the sandstone slopes, a new world opens - a world even more awe-Inspiring than Table Mountain's famous profile. The Table Mountain chain is, above all, a living monument to the wonders of biodiversity -on a scale not seen elsewhere on this planet. One can only marvel at the celebration of life on the mountain, in all its glorious forms, and which have been so skilfully captured in the pages of this magnificent book. The authors, Anton Pauw and Steven Johnson, are two young scientists who have spent many years uncovering the secrets of Table Mountain. Not only have they both been recognised in academic circles for their ground-breaking work in the fields of animal-plant interaction and pollination biology, but both are also highly talented and accomplished nature photographers. This blend of experience, knowledge and creative skills has produced a truly unique work, a work that tells an exciting and very special story about a mountain where many thousands of life forms all have their place, all interdependent on each other for their common survival. As fascinating as this story is, there is more, for in its telling there Is the underlying message that sharing in this very special place on earth brings with it the responsibility for its conservation, a responsibility which rests not only with Capetonians, but also with the entire country and, indeed, the world. It is in this context that the Botanical Society of South Africa has decided to endorse this publication. It Is the first time that the Society, founded in 1913, has taken this step - the case for doing so was indeed a compelling one. I am greatly honoured to present this foreword in the conviction that past presidents of the Society who are no longer with us, namely, the late Sirs J.H. de Villiers and James Rose Innes, Messrs Duncan Baxter and Dudley D'Ewes, and Professors E.A.C.L.E. Schelpe and W.P.U. Jackson, would have looked favourably on the Council of 1999 who, on the eve of the new millennium, voted unanimously for the Botanical Society's official endorsement of this important publication. May this also be a source of inspiration to our 30 000 members worldwide, and indeed to every reader of this book, to make the transition from seeing ourselves not only as the current beneficiaries of the rich natural beauty of Table Mountain, but also as the active custodians of this treasure trove of botanical diversity.

Adv. Abri B. Meiring, President of the Botanical Society of South Africa

Endorsed by the botanical society of South Africa, this guide unveils the intricate relationships between plants and animals of Table Mountain.