Restoration of Bukhara  deer (Cervus elaphus bactrianus Lydd.) in Central Asia in 2000-2011.

Deer Specialist Group Newsletter 25 (März 2013): 19-30.
ISSN 2312-4644


The goal of this study was to monitor the recovery of the populations of Bukhara deer (BD) within its historical distribution area in Central Asia. Restoration activities were based onscientific knowledge gained from a 30 year study of its ecology, behavior and communication. The research methods included: mapping acoustic communication-recording and acoustic analyses of the vocalizations; visual recording of animals in the field; long-term visual observations of individually recognized animals; recording and mapping of traces.

In 1989 there were around 900 BD in all groups, with potential for population growth up to 4000-5000 animals. The Bukhara deer restoration activities (WWF project) included technical support for the nature reserves still inhabited by the species, anti-poaching activities, reintroduction in suitable sites at the limits of the historical distribution, ecological education, local communities involvement, etc. All restoration activities were accompanied by species monitoring. As a result of this scientifically based approach to species restoration the total Bukhara deer number increased from 350 in 1999 to 1900 in 2011; the efficiency and cost effectiveness of the suggested methods were proven by the results obtained.