On the Life History of a reintroduced population of eagle owls (Bubo bubo).
In: GARCELON, D. K. & ROEMER, G. W. (1988) Proc. of the Int. Symp. in Raptor Reintroduction. Institute of Wildlife Studies California: 83-94.
Volltext: https://egeeulen.de/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/population_eagleowls.pdf
Zum Inhalt:
This paper will be concerned with: (1) a brief description of reintroduction projects, (2) the life history of eagle owls in the central part of the FRG during the last decades, (3) types of mortalities, survivorship and nesting success and (4) genetic issues of reintroduction projects in this country. Since the life history of this eagle owl population, and the factors affecting it, is currently being intensively monitored, we will limit ourselves in this paper to describing the available and relevant information to give an idea of the magnitudes involved.
30.06.2014 - 517