RÖSSLER, M. (2000)

Der Lebensraum der Europäischen Sumpfschildkröte Emys orbicularis (L) in den niederösterreichischen Donau-Auen (Reptilia: Testudines: Emydidae).

12 Seiten © Biologiezentrum Linz/Austria


Over a period of three years (1997-1999) I studied habitat requirements of the European pond turtle in the  National Park "Donau-Auen" in the Austrian state of Lower Austria. Two side arms of the Danube inhabited by Emys orbicularis are characterized. Juvenile European pond turtles preferred shallower, more vegetated areas than adults.Sixty-eight percent of all sighted basking turtles (n = 303 sightings) were observed on tree trunks,23 % on the embankment, and 10 % on floating  leaves  of aquatic  macrophytes. Nesting sites are xerothermic, sandy meadows up to  800  m away from water bodies. Temperature  regimes, predation rates and vegetation cover of nest sites are described and  related to the vertical distribution of the nests at a sun-exposed embankment.

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