RUCH, P. (2000)

Auswertungen der Sektionsbefunde an Hyänen aus vierzehn deutschen, österreichischen, schweizerischen und niederländischen Zoologischen Gärten sowie Untersuchungen zum Umgang mit Hyänen.

Results of the pathological examination from hyenas in zoos in Germany, Switzerland, Austria and the Netherlands and a analysis to the handling of hyenas.

Dr. med. vet. Dissertation

153 Seiten

Fachbereich Veterinärmedizin der Freien Universität Berlin
14 Zoos in Deutschland, Österreich, der Schweiz und den Niederlanden


In the introduction some zoological facts about the two species of hyenas are given. Contributions concerning nutrition, handling and zoological management of hyenas, immobilisation, blood parameters and vaccination are following. The main part of this dissertation deals with diseases of hyenas in the literature available and compares these findings with those of captured animals. For this purpose zoological gardens in Switzerland, Austria, The Netherlands and Germany were asked for support. As hyenas are not visitors favourite animals in zoos, it is surprising to find more than two hundred sources of literature and reports of fourteen zoological gardens with 97 results to evaluate. Considering the results of this study, it is noticable that infectious diseases are rarely diagnosed. Of other diseases losses of cubs around the time of birth are main problems. Diseases of the reproductive tract, respiratory tract, traumas, neoplasms, the circulary system, the digestitive tract, the urinary tract, endocrinological and central organs occur in different frequencies. For the first time results from the circulary system, the kidney, the respiratory system and the male genitaltract are listend. It is neccessary to examinate all deed hyenas to find out more about their wellness and sickness in future.

