RUSKE, K. & MOLCH, M. (2010)

Zur Haltung von Dallschafen (Ovis dalli) im Zoologischen Garten Leipzig.

Keeping Dall's Sheep (Ovis dalli) at Leipzig Zoo.

Der Zoologische Garten 79 (1): 1–19.


Keeping and breeding Dall's Sheep (Ovis dalli) in Leipzig Zoo between 1982 and 2009 are reflected and analysed. Seven animals were brought into the collection. 60 specimens were kept so far. The species hast turned out to be difficult in Middle-Europe‘s climate but nevertheless is manageable and reproductive. The rearing rate (animals have reached at least the age of 1 year) is 40%. Remarkable veterinarian treatments for keeping the stock healthy and especially for ensuring the breeding are described. For sure, deep engagement of keepers, veterinarians and curators is needed to keep this species successfully. Hopefully a lot of colleagues will take this as a challenge to increase numbers in Europe by joining the group of holders of this splendid wild sheep.

