Reproductive Biology of Boiga guangxiensis Wen, 1998 (Serpentes: Colubridae)
Asian Herpetological Research 2010, 1(1): 44-47
DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1245.2010.00044
Up to now, the reproductive biology of most species of the genus Boiga is investigated very little. Important data on the reproductive biology of Boiga guangxiensis were received by us for the first time. The investigations were carried out in Viet Nam during expeditions and in the laboratories of Tula Exotarium in the period between 1998−2000.
The data on the feeding, egg size, incubation, size of hatchings, and juvenile colouration of this species are provided for the first time. In addition, the data on size and ratio of snout-vent length/tail length of this snake are provided based on the Vietnamese samples. Our researches demonstrated that B. guangxiensis is distinguished from most other species of the genus by a number of peculiarities of its reproductive biology. Also, morphological differences between Chinese and Vietnamese individuals of this species were noted.