SCHREINER, C. et al. (2012)


Environmental Enrichment bei drei Menschenaffen-Arten im Zoo Krefeld - eine Untersuchung etablierter Methoden zur Tierbeschäftigung.

Zool. Garten N.F. 81 (2012), Heft 4:161-174 Link, um Arbeit zu kaufen:

Bachelorarbeit von V. SCHREINER

Ruhr-Universität Bochum, AG Verhaltensbiologie und Didaktik der Biologie (Betreuuung: Prof. Dr. W.H. Kirchner) und
Zoo Krefeld (Betreuung Dr. W. Dressen)


Environmental enrichment has a fixed place in modern animal husbandry in zoos und is expected of WAZA (2005) and its members. There are many aspects which justify or claim vividly the use of environmental enrichment: Beginning with an ideal husbandry of the individual animal, extending to the positive feedback of the visitors, up to a successful management of the species. The possibilities to use environmental enrichment are versatile and have to be adjusted to the abilities of the individuals. For great apes the use of items, from which food can be extracted with the help of tools, offers itself. The impacts of environmental enrichment on animals are known. On the other hand, the efford for the preparation of those procedures and how long the animal or a group of animals is using the offered method of environmental enrichment are not described. The aim of this study is to point out the time efficiency defined as the time needed for preparation of the keepers versus the time of occupation for the animals. Approved methods of environmental enrichment were modified and tested on Borneo orangutans (Pongo p. pygmaeus), chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and Western lowland gorillas (Gorilla g. gorilla) at the zoo Krefeld. The results of the study show, that time efficient environmental enrichment is possible which allows keepers to integrate environmental enrichment in their daily routine work efficiently. The results offer to decide which new acquisitions are worth to be made on a long term scale to the persons in charge.

