SINCLAIR, I. et al. (1997)


SASOL Birds of Southern Africa.

445 Seiten, farbig illustriert.

The region's most comprehensively illustrated guide. 2nd, fully revised and updated edition. Struik Publishers, Cape Town. ISBN 1-86872-033-0.


Nebst einer Beschreibung aller Vogelarten der Region mikt Abbilungen und Verbreitungskarten enthält das Buch ein kurzes einleitendes Kapitel u.a. mit einer Karte der wichtigsten Lebensräume der Region, ferner eine Übersicht über die Vogelfamilien.

Verlagstext (zur 7. Ausgabe):

Ian Sinclair is recognized as one of Africa's foremost field birders and has lead many expeditions to find and research birds. He is the most published author on the birds of Africa and its adjacent islands and has written over 20 bird books. Phil Hockey is Director at the Percy FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology at the University of Cape Town. He is a recognized authority on the biology of southern African birds, and is Editorin- chief of the 7th edition of Roberts Birds of Southern Africa. Warwick Tarboton is a well-known bird expert and writer who has produced a number of well-received books. Peter Ryan is an Associate Professor at the Percy FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology, University of Cape Town and is currently serving as president of BirdLife South Africa. He has written several books.