SOORAE, P. S. (ed.) (2008)

Global Re-introduction Perspectives: re-introduction case-studies from around the globe.

IUCN/SSC Re-introduction Specialist Group, Abu Dhabi, UAE. viii + 284 pp. ISBN 978-2-8317-1113-3.

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We received a total of 62 case-studies. These case studies cover the following taxa as follows: invertebrates (4), fish (7), amphibians (3), reptiles (8), birds (17), mammals (13) and plants (10).

The projects presented here were ranked as Highly Successful, Successful, Partially Successful and Failure. Out of the 62 projects only one did not provide any ranking as the project was still in the initial stages so any deduction on its outcome could not be determined. As can be seen in figure 1, 21% of projects were Highly Successful, 33% were Successful, 43% were Partially Successful and 3% were Failures. Some reasons for success were good rearing techniques, increase in species distribution range and increased socio-political awareness. Some reasons for partial success or failure were that re-introductions were done unscientifically, no post-release monitoring, slow reproduction rates, poor habitat quality and a failure to establish a viable population.

An analysis was done to gauge the three different levels of success and failure according to the seven major taxa i.e. invertebrates, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals and plants. All but one of the major taxa recorded their projects as highly successful besides invertebrates. Failures were only recorded in the bird re-introduction projects with the majority of projects falling under Partially Successful. Re-introductions are not easy to conduct and a lot of trial and error is needed to get a viable population established into the wild.

The analysis shows that 68% of projects are re-introductions, 27% are Re-enforcements / Supplementations, 3% are Conservation / Benign Introductions with 1% Introduction and 1% Substitution.
