STECK, B. (2018)

International Studbook for the Somali wild ass 2017.

67 Seiten

Zoo Basel, Switzerland.

This studbook lists a total of 608 (284.312.12) Somali wild ass. On 31 December 2017, the International Studbook records 290 (120.170) living Somali wild ass kept in 57 institutions. The EEP population comprises a total of 201 (78.123) living individuals in 37 institutions.

The usage of this studbook is to show where and how many Somali wild ass are held in captivity. Moreover, the studbook information is used for regular in-depth regional and global demographic and genetic analyses of the living population. Somali wild ass are kept on most continents, their regions benefit from this studbook, and in particular Europe and North America, where coordinated breeding programmes exist, which depend on the studbook information for their functioning.

The total number of captive Somali wild ass includes:
23.21 (44) animals in 6 institutions in the Asian region;
0 animals in 0 institutions in the Australasian region;
62.104 (166) animals in 36 institutions in the European region;
32.43 (75) animals in 12 institutions in the North American region;
0.2 animals in 1 institutions in the Central and South American regions;
2.0 (2) in 1 institution in the African region.

New holders for this severely threatened species are urgently needed. If you know of any zoos that might be interested, please get in touch with me (Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein.).

