TIFLOVA, L, (2012)

Conservation breeding of the Philippine crocodile: Social behaviour investigations at the public exhibit of the Cologne Zoo.


57 Seiten.

Zoologisches Institut Universität Köln
Betreuung: T. Ziegler
Kölner Zoo


This study presents an overview on the past and current conservation measures undertaken to prevent the critically endangered Philippine crocodile from extinction. It emphasizes the necessity of the conservation breeding of the species in the light of lacking suitable nature habitats currently. In order to conserve a species a sufficient knowledge on its ecology is crucialy needed. Thus, this work investigates the social behaviour of the Philippine crocodile at the public exhibit of the Cologne Zoo. The analysis discusses occurred tendencies in the nesting activities of the female crocodile during the reproduction period. It also points out the controversial nature of the bubbling and snapping behavioural patterns manifested by both individuals. The research contributes to the general knowledge on the species as well as can provide some practical hints for the common conservation breeding practices of the Philippine crocodile.

