ZIEGLER, T. et al. (2010)


First F2 Breeding of the Quince Monitor Lizard Varanus melinus Böhme & Ziegler, 1997 at the Cologne Zoo Aquarium.

Biawak, 4(3), pp. 82-92 © 2010 by International Varanid Interest Group


We report the first breeding of the quince monitor lizard Varanus melinus in a European
Zoo, which at the same time represents to our knowledge the first F2 breeding of the species in
general. In June 2009, a clutch containing nine eggs was produced at the Aquarium of the Cologne
Zoo by a V. melinus pair received seven years earlier as offspring from a private breeder. Two of these
eggs showed no development and one egg contained dead conjoined twins. Six offspring with weights
of 33-35 g (mean 34 g) and total lengths of 266-281 mm (mean 274 mm) finally hatched in December
2009 from eggs measuring 47.1-58.6 mm (mean 54.0 mm) x 32.0-36.0 mm (mean 34.2 mm) in size,
after 164–166 (mean 164.8) days of incubation at 29° C. A second clutch comprised of five eggs was
laid in September 2009, about three months after the deposition of the first clutch. Two of these eggs
showed no development and one egg contained a dead, slightly malformed embryo. Two V. melinus
subsequently hatched from this second clutch in February 2010 after 164–165 days of incubation
at 29° C. We compare our data with previously published information on the successful breeding
of the species. All eight V. melinus hatched at the Cologne Zoo are developing well, and some will
be subsequently provided for conservation breeding projects. Because this attractive species seems
to play an important role in the international animal trade, and due to only very few husbandry
and breeding reports available, we herewith intend to encourage the conservation breeding of this
monitor lizard and to add to the scarce knowledge of the natural history of this beautiful species
through both ex situ zoo breeding efforts and in situ population research, to finally contribute to
improved conservation measures.


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