HAWKINS, C. E. (1998)

Verhalten und Ökologie der Fossa (Cryptoprocta ferox (Carnivora, Viverridae)) in einem trockenen, laubabwerfenden Wald in Westmadagaskar.

Behaviour and ecology of the fossa (Cryptoprocta ferox (Carnivora, Viverridae)) in a dry deciduous forest, western Madagascar.


146 Seiten.

Institute of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Aberdeen, Schottland
Leitung: Prof. Dr. Paul Racey
Zoo Duisburg


Several observed aspects of the fossa’s behaviour and ecology were not those predicted according to current theory. This was taken as an indication that the study of mammalogy requires a larger contribution from work on tropical forest mammals. It was further proposed that at least some of the unexpected attributes found in the fossa may be peculiar to species with an extremely low population density relative to body size. In the fossa, the low population density found was in turn attributed to the high proportion of primates in its diet.
None of the reserves in Madagascar were predicted to contain a population of fossas that is likely to be viable. Recommendations were made for a strategy for the conservation of the fossa, specifically to establish larger forest reserves, with a suggested minimum area of at least 2000 km².
Recommendations were made for further research, especially to carry out extensive radio-tracking work and dietary analysis in other areas, allowing investigation of population densities and mating system in other forest types and a generalization of the fossa’s habitat requirements. Captive work and genetic analysis also has the potential to explain many of the questions arising from the present study. Work on other tropical forest carnivores, which is very rare in the literature, is also strongly recommended.
