HAWLEY, A.W.L. et al. (1983)


Commercial moose meat production in Sweden.

Livestock Production Science 10: 507–516. DOI: 10.1016/0301-6226(83)90077-5 .


Moose meat is produced commercially in Sweden by the hunting of wild, free-range animals. Extensive forests, continual rejuvenation of the browse resource, a moderate climate, and the relative absence of natural causes of mortality contribute to the maintenance of a large and productive moose population. Hunting rights are owned by the landowner and both hunting rights and harvested animals are marketed. Exported moose meat is federally inspected and carcasses are processed in federally approved abattoirs. One commercial operation studied in detail in 1979 had fewer than 1% of its processed carcasses condemned. All traumatized tissue was removed from carcasses during processing. Weight loss associated with carcass cooling plus removal of traumatized tissue averaged 10% of fresh carcass weight. The average retail value of boneless moose meat sold on the Swedish market in 1979 was approximately U.S. $10.00 per kg. The annual moose harvest in 1981 totalled 152 000 animals with an estimated total carcass yield of 19.7 million kg. The present level of commercial production is insufficient to meet the demands of foreign or domestic markets. Not all harvested moose are marketed, however, and the commercial sale of moose meat is increasing, a trend that will probably continue if the recent levels of moose harvest are maintained.
