RÖSLER, H. et al. (2004)

Rösler, H.; Ziegler, T., Vu, N.T.; Herrmann, H.-W. & Böhme, W. (2004).

A new lizard of the genus Gekko Laurenti, 1768 (Squamata: Sauria: Gekkonidae) from the Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park, Quang Binh Province, Vietnam.

Bonner Zool. Beiträge  53 (1/2): 135-148.

Betrifft Gekko scientiadventura, so benannt nach dem von Wolf von Lojewski moderierten ZDF-Magazin "Abenteuer Wissen", in dem die Art der Öffentlichkeit vorgestellt wurde.


We describe a new species of the genus Gekko from the karst forest of the Phong Nha - Ke Bang National Park, Quang Binh Province, Vietnam. Gekko scientiadventura sp. n. is distinguished from all other Gekko species occuring in Vietnam by the lack of dorsal tubercles. From the four species of Gekko that do not occur in Vietnam and thathave likewise no dorsal tubercles (athymus, melli, subpalmatus, and tawaensis), the new species may be distinguished asfollows: G. athymus has more preanal pores than G. scientiadventura sp. n. whereas in G. tawaensis both preanal andfemoral pores are completely lacking. G. melli and G. subpalmatus are apparently closer related to G. scientiadventurasp. n., but in these two species the nasorostrals are separated from each other by internasals. We provide first data onhabitat and natural history of the new species and furthermore provide a key for the Vietnamese Gekko species.

PDF Download available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/261134013_A_new_lizard_of_the_genus_Gekko_Laurenti_1768_Squamata_Sauria_Gekkonidae_from_the_Phong_Nha-Ke_Bang_National_Park_Quang_Binh_Province_Vietnam [accessed Aug 2, 2017].