ZIEGLER, T. et al. (2016)

ZIEGLER, T., RAUHAUS, A. & GILL, I. (2016)

A Preliminary Review of Monitor Lizards in Zoological Gardens.

Biawak, 10(1): 26-35.


To gain an overview of monitor lizards held in zoos, including the species and numbers of individuals kept and the number of keeping institutions, we analyzed collection information from the Zoological Information Management System (ZIMS) database. Our analysis performed in March 2016 revealed that there are 50 species of monitor lizard kept globally in 308 zoos, with 39 of these species kept in a total of 131 European zoos. Eleven globally-kept species were lacking in European zoo holdings, and nine species were found exclusively in European zoos. Of the 79 currently recognized species of monitor lizard, 30 (38 %) are not currently held in zoos. Although ZIMS data are certainly not complete, there is a discernible trend that only a few species are widely kept by the zoo community; whereas most species are poorly represented or not represented at all. As only 22 monitor lizard species are listed in the IUCN’s Red List of Threatened Species, there is not only an obvious need for additional Red List assessments, but also a disconnect between the species most frequently kept in zoos and their conservation status. As space and resources in zoos are limited, species selection shopuld be well planned. The current number of official zoo breeding programs for monitor lizards is comparatively low and there are further species, such as small island endemics, that require support through assurance colonies sustained by ex situ conservation breeding programs. We recommend considering a shift from commonly kept species towards species that are in greater need of support through zoo husbandry and breeding efforts. Improved networking between zoos and authorities is another important prerequisite that can help zoos assemble breeding groups and exchange species that so far are only rarely kept by the zoo community.

