ZIEGLER, T., LE, Q. K. et al. (2008)

ZIEGLER, T., LE, Q. K., VU, T. N., HENDRIX, R. & BÖHME, W.(2008)

A comparative study of crocodile lizards (Shinisaurus crocodilurus Ahl, 1930) from Vietnam and China.

Raffl. Bull. Zool. 56(1): 181 – 187.


Preliminary morphological comparisons between Chinese and Vietnamese Shinisaurus representatives showed no significant differences that would justify a separate taxonomic status of the single known Vietnamese population. Also first mitochondrial DNA sequence comparisons showed very low differentiation therefore, being likely to represent the same taxon. In addition, we provide further information about the habitat, and preliminary data concerning the reproduction and feeding ecology of Vietnamese S. crocodilurus. We further stress biogeographical and conservational aspects of the endangered species in Vietnam.

PDF Download available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/237286590_A_comparative_study_of_crocodile_lizards_Shinisaurus_crocodilurus_AHL_1930_from_Vietnam_and_China [accessed Jul 13, 2017].

